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有关过去的英语句子口语 英语20句有关过去时的句子

来源: 更新时间:2022-06-29 10:01:20
The Beginning

1、l was writing some letters to friends of mine.288.我给我的朋友写了几封信。

2、 What were you doing at about 4 o clock yesterday afternoon?289.昨天下午四点钟左右你在干什么?

3、l was listening to the radio.290.我在听广播。

4、What were you doing when l called you on the telephone?291.我给你打电话时,你在干什么?

5、 When you called me, l was eating dinner.292.你给我打电话时,我在吃晚饭。

6、 When l saw Mr.Jones,he was talking with John Smith.293.我看到钟斯先生时,他在和约翰史密斯讲话。

7、 While you were writing letters,l was reading a book.294.你写信时我在看书。

8、While we were having breakfast,John was talking on the telephone.2当我们吃早餐时,约翰在打电话。

9、Can you guess what l was doing this morning?296.猜猜看我今天早上在干什么?

10、l cant remember what John was doing yesterday afternoon.297.我记不起昨天下午约翰在干什么了。

11、I’ ve forgotten what he said his address was.298.我把他所说的他家的地址给忘了。


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