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英国退欧 英国退欧原因

来源: 更新时间:2022-06-24 20:06:32
The Beginning

  UK - A contingency plan for agriculture should the UK vote to leave the European Union on June 23 is absolutely essential according to the Farmers’ Union of Wales.“Defra Minister George Eustice recently hinted what a contingency plan for agriculture could look like but there are apparently no firm or detailed plans in the pipeline and what is being said is little better than speculation,” said FUW Managing Director Alan Davies.The Union’s renewed call for a plan B comes after Mr Eustice implied a system similar to current area payments would ‘probably’ be kept, with accreditation schemes that farmers could enrol in automatically rather than having an annual application process.

  据威尔士农民协会(Farmers’ Union of Wales)所说,英国投票在6月23日退出欧盟,针对农业的应急准备是绝对有必要的。FUW总经理艾伦·戴维斯(Alan Davies)说:“英国环境、食品与农业部长乔治尤斯蒂思(George Eustice)最近暗示了农业应急准备的内容,但显然没有断定和具体的准备准备,他所透露的消息要比大家猜测的好。”在尤斯蒂思部长暗示会有一个类如当前区域支付方式的系统后,协会再次呼吁准备B准备,即认证准备,农民们能自动注册,而不是有一个年度申请过程。


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