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南非干旱:没有缓解迹象 南非干旱的原因

来源: 更新时间:2022-06-26 23:27:42
The Beginning

  SOUTH AFRICA - In spite of wide spread rain over many parts of the drought-stricken summer rainfall area of South Africa, chances remain low that the impact of drought will soon be broken. Glenneis Kriel reports.Over the past week social media has been swamped with photos of South African farmers dancing and praying in the rain. There has even been reports of flooding in a handful of towns. Prospects nevertheless remain bleak that the region will break out of the grip of the drought this season.Gerhard Schutte, CEO of the Red Meat Producers Organisation (RPO) confirmed that there has been relief in many of provinces, but the situation is still critical in the central parts of the country.

  格兰尼斯克里尔(Glenneis Kriel)报告,尽管大面积的雨降落到部分受旱灾的南非夏天雨季区域,打破受到干旱影响的机会还是很小。在过去一周社交媒体被南非农民在雨中跳舞和祷告的图片所吞没,少数地区被洪水袭击。南非区域要打破本季度干旱的格局,前景依然黯淡。红色肉类生产商组织(RPO)执行总裁格哈德舒特(Gerhard Schutte)确认,许多省干旱得到缓解,但是南非中央区域的情况依然十分严重。


TAG:干旱  南非  养猪行情  

