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Freebsd freeBSD安装

来源: 更新时间:2024-02-20 00:06:21
The Beginning




硬盘为120G ,/(根)1G 左右就差不多了,但考滤到/root 工作目录也在这里,所以分大一点。

/home/data 主要是用来存放Email /ftp用户的数据

/tmp 1G 也是考虑到临时文件多,所以给大也点。

/usr/ 10G 因为要安装软件,还有下载的软件,我没有装GUI 所以只分了10G我认为足够了。

/var 3G这个目录存放的东西比较多,如日志、邮件的临时目录,如果空间不够amavisd-new 无法解开邮件进行杀毒。

%df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/ad0s1a 1.9G 481M 1.3G 26% /
devfs 1.0K 1.0K 0B 100% /dev
/dev/ad0s1g 92G 353M 84G 0% /home/data
/dev/ad0s1e 989M 224K 910M 0% /tmp
/dev/ad0s1f 9.7G 1.8G 7.1G 20% /usr
/dev/ad0s1d 2.9G 105M 2.6G 4% /var


对于系统的安装,我选择了minimal(最小系统)和ports ,因为有些没必要的包就不装,减少系统体积,
另外作为一台服务器,我从来不装GUI 。
下载BSD时,只需要下载DISK 1 就行了,缺少的软件包可以通过网络安装。


如果你在安装后期没有配置系统,在系统启动完成后以root的身份登陆系统,运行sysinstall 进行设置,
设置好固定IP,或通过DHCP 自动分配置机器IP。使用SSH 客户端进行管理服务器将会为你的工作提供方便。
使用SSH 要注意:
启用 sshd
sshd 的启用是作为 FreeBSD 安装中 Standard 安装过程中的一步来进行的。 要查看 sshd 是否已被启用, 请检查 rc.conf 文件中的:


这表示在下次系统启动时加载 OpenSSH 的服务程序 sshd(8)。 此外,也可以手动使用 rc(8) 脚本 /etc/rc.d/sshd 来启动 OpenSSH

/etc/rc.d/sshd start

允许用户登录 AllowUsers 选项
通常限制哪些用户能够登录, 以及从何处登录会是好主意。 采用 AllowUsers 选项能够方便地达到这一目的。 例如, 想要只允许 root 用户从 登录, 就可以在 /etc/ssh/sshd_config 文件中加入下述设置:

AllowUsers root@

要允许用户 admin 从任何地方登录, 则只需列出用户名:

AllowUsers admin

可以在同一行指定多个用户, 例如:

AllowUsers root@ admin

注意: 列出需要登录机器的用户很重要; 否则他们将被锁在外面。

在完成对 /etc/ssh/sshd_config 的修改之后您必须告诉 sshd(8) 重新加载其配置文件, 方法是执行:

# /etc/rc.d/sshd reload

a、不能用root直接登陆,需要添加一个新用户,指定到wheel 组,用此用户登陆后用使用 su - 提升到管理员。
b、 以我的SecureCRT 为例,Session options ->Authentication ->Primary 选择keyboard Interactive
c、如果你要使用像LINUX 一样的彩色显示,需要把 Emulation -> Terminal ->Xterm 选中ANSI Color 并在/etc/csh.cshrc加入

setenv LSCOLORS ExGxFxdxCxegedabagExEx setenv CLICOLOR yes
set autolist


sed -i.bak -E s/set/ prompt/#set/ prompt/g /root/.cshrc



采用Freebsd 最好的地方就是安装软件方便,还可以装到最新的软件包,这就是强大的posts 系统。如果你的系统在安装时没有选择posts ,具休如何操作看BSD 的handbook.

对ports 进行更新,首先修改系统默认下载的FTP地址:

#vi /etc/make.conf


http://ports.hshh.org/${DIST_SUBDIR}/ /
ftp://ftp.freebsdchina.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/distfiles/${DIST_SUBDIR}/ /
ftp://ftp.tw.freebsd.org/pub/ports/distfiles/${DIST_SUBDIR}/ /
ftp://freebsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw/pub/ports/distfiles/${DIST_SUBDIR}/ /

CVSUP 的站点很多,你可以选择离你最快的站点去更新posts ,具体查看 freebsd.org /freebsdchina.org.cn

在使用cvsup之前你必须连接到互联网,并需要安装cvsup 这个软件


% cd /usr/ports/net/cvsup-without-gui/ % make install clean


% /usr/local/bin/cvsup -gL 2 -h cvsup4.freebsdchina.org /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile

三、安装数据库 MySQL

MySQL 版本很多,大家可以据自己需要自行安装。

%cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server/%make install clean

在/etc/rc.conf 加入



cp /usr/local/share/mysql/my-small.cnf /usr/local/etc/my.cnf

1、如果不在/etc/rc.conf 加入以上内容,手工是无法启动MySQL的。
打开/usr/local/etc/rc.d 目录,找到此软件的启动脚本。然后打开文件,如果有详细的说明。

%/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql-server.sh start Starting mysql.


%ps aux|grep mysqlmysql 94899 0.2 0.5 1644 1240 p0 S 3:52PM 0:00.07 /bin/sh /usr/local/bin/mysqld_safe --mysql 94919 0.0 10.8 55564 27428 p0 S 3:52PM 0:01.54 /usr/local/libexec/mysqld --defaults-%%netstat -an|grep 3306tcp4 0 0 *.3306 *.* LISTEN


% /usr/local/bin/mysqladmin -u root -p password 你的新密码 Enter password:

如果你服务器只供本站内部使用建议在 my.cnf 里加入下面内容,以增加服务器的安全性。



1、安装apache server

作为网络的今天apache web服务器已经是街知港闻了。

% cd /usr/ports/www/apache22/% make install clean

│ Options for python 2.4.3 │

│ │ [X] THREADS Enable thread support │ │
│ │ [ ] HUGE_STACK_SIZE Use a larger thread stack │ │
│ │ [X] UCS4 Use UCS4 for unicode support │ │
│ │ [X] PYMALLOC Use python's internal malloc │ │

│ │ [ ] IPV6 Enable IPv6 support │ │
│ │ [ ] FPECTL Enable floating point exception handling

在/etc/rc.conf 中加入:


如果启动时出现httpd: Could not reliably determine the
server's fully qualified domain name, using mail.sharesky.cn for ServerName 的错误,
在/usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf 约第144行的位置加入下面的内容。

ServerName mail.extmail.org


% /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22.sh startPerforming sanity check on apache22 configuration:Syntax OKStarting apache22.


% cd /usr/ports/www/mod_php4/% make install clean

Options for mod_php4 4.4.2_1,1 x x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x x x [ ] DEBUG Enable debug x x x x [X] MULTIBYTE Enable zend multibyte support x x x x [ ] IPV6 Enable ipv6 support x x x x [X] OPENSSL Build static OpenSSL extension

在/usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf 里加入

AddType application/x-httpd-php .phpAddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

加入目录索引 index.php,约在httpd.conf 的212行

DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

restart或reload Apache 使之生效

% /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22.sh reloadPerforming sanity check on apache22 configuration:Syntax OKPerforming a graceful restart

3、安装PHP 扩展

% cd /usr/ports/lang/php4-extensions/% make install clean


lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x Options for php4-extensions 1.0 x x lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqk x x x [ ] BCMATH bc style precision math functions x x x x [X] BZ2 bzip2 library support x x x x [ ] CALENDAR calendar conversion support x x x x [ ] CRACK crack support x x x x [X] CTYPE ctype functions x x x x [X] CURL CURL support x x x x [ ] DBA dba support x x x x [ ] DBASE dBase library support x x x x [ ] DBX dbx support x x x x [ ] DIO Direct I/O support x x x x [ ] DOMXML DOM support x x x x [ ] EXIF EXIF support x x x x [ ] FILEINFO fileinfo support x x x x [ ] FILEPRO filePro support x x x x [ ] FRIBIDI FriBidi support x x [X] FTP FTP support x x x x [ ] GD GD library support x x x x [X] GETTEXT gettext library support x x x x [ ] GMP GNU MP support x x x x [X] ICONV iconv support x x x x [ ] IMAGICK ImageMagick support x x x x [X] IMAP IMAP support x x x x [ ] INTERBASE Interbase 6 database support (Firebird) x x x x [ ] LDAP OpenLDAP support x x x x [X] MBSTRING multibyte string support x x x x [ ] MCAL Modular Calendar Access Library support x x x x [X] MCRYPT Encryption support x x x x [ ] MCVE MCVE support x x x x [ ] MHASH Crypto-hashing support x x x x [ ] MING ming shockwave flash support x x x x [ ] MNOGOSEARCH mnoGoSearch support x x x x [ ] MSSQL MS-SQL database support x x x x [X] MYSQL MySQL database support x x x x [ ] NCURSES ncurses support (CLI only) x x x x [ ] ODBC unixODBC support x x x x [X] OPENSSL OpenSSL support x x x x [ ] ORACLE Oracle support x x x x [X] OVERLOAD user-space object overloading support x x x x [ ] PANDA panda support x x x x [ ] PCNTL pcntl support (CLI only) x x x x [X] PCRE Perl Compatible Regular Expression support x x x x [ ] PDF PDFlib support (implies GD) x x x x [ ] PFPRO PayFlow Pro support x x x x [ ] PGSQL PostgreSQL database support x x x x [X] POSIX POSIX-like functions x x x x [ ] PSPELL pspell support x x x x [ ] READLINE readline support (CLI only) x x x x [ ] RECODE recode support x x x x [X] SESSION session support x x x x [ ] SHMOP shmop support x x x x [ ] SNMP SNMP support x x x x [ ] SOCKETS sockets support x x x x [ ] SYBASE_CT Sybase database support x x x x [ ] SYSVMSG System V message support x x x x [ ] SYSVSEM System V semaphore support x x x x [ ] SYSVSHM System V shared memory support x x x x [X] TOKENIZER tokenizer support x x x x [ ] WDDX WDDX support (implies XML) x x x x [X] XML XML support x x x x [ ] XMLRPC XMLRPC-EPI support x x x x [ ] XSLT XSLT Sablotron support x x x x [ ] YAZ YAZ support (ANSI/NISO Z39.50) x x x x [ ] YP YP/NIS support x x x x [ ] ZIP ZIP support x x x x [X] ZLIB ZLIB support x x

# vi /usr/local/www/apache22/data/test.php


<?php phpinfo(); ?>

推出保存#chmod 755 test.php

4、安装phpmyadmin 管理数据库

为了去除无聊的安装过程,这里选择手工安装,先下载软件包,然后解压,再复制到/usr/local/www/apache22/data 下面

%cd /usr/ports/databases/phpmyadmin/%make fetch%cd /usr/ports/distfile%tar jxvf phpMyAdmin-2.7.0-pl2.tar.bz2%cp -r /usr/ports/distfiles/phpMyAdmin-2.7.0-pl2 /usr/local/www/apache22/data/phpmyadmin

%cd /usr/local/www/apache22/data/phpmyadmin/%ee config.default.php

将$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; 改为

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http';


打开http://ip/phpmyadmin 就可以管理你的mysql 数据库了

大家注意,可能你下载的版本与我下载的不一样,不能照搬。设置phpmyadmin phpMyAdmin-2.8.1 版的Port 安装方法.# whereis phpmyadmin
phpmyadmin: /usr/ports/databases/phpmyadmincd /usr/ports/databases/phpmyadminmake install clean #cd /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/进入phpmyadmin下的libraries 目录!修改 config.default.php#vi libraries/config.default.php
找到$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = '';
修改成 $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = 'http://你的IP/phpmyadmin';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'root'; // MySQL user
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
写上你的Mysql用户名and密码!保存退出!因为phpmyadmin的PATH 是:/usr/local/www/phpmyadmin所以我们需要在APACHE里面建立一个Alias:#vi /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf在Alias 组加入下列内容:*************************************************** Alias /phpmyadmin "/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/"
<Directory /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/> Order allow,deny
Allow from all </Directory>***************************************************
保存退出.弹出验证窗口。修改/usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/libraries/config.default.php中的:$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = "config"改成: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http'; # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache22.sh reload 然后用http://your IP/phpmyadmin访问!

5 使用同一个IP的虚拟主机设置方法:

取消中心主机,在ServerName 前面加井号屏蔽.

添加虚拟主机设置,比如说,假设你正在为域名www.domain.tld提供服务, 而你又想在同一个IP地址上加一个名叫www.otherdomain.tld的虚拟主机, 你只需在httpd.conf中加入以下内容:

NameVirtualHost *

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName www.domain.tld
ServerAlias domain.tld *.domain.tld
DocumentRoot /www/domain

<VirtualHost *>
ServerName www.otherdomain.tld
DocumentRoot /www/otherdomain



mail# whereis webmin
webmin: /usr/ports/sysutils/webmin
cd /usr/ports/sysutils/webmin

make install clean

cd /usr/local/etc/webmin

sh start

然后访问 http://IP:10000


TAG:系统  软件包  目录  

