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爱尔兰农场主协会欢迎猪价上涨 爱尔兰养猪

来源: 更新时间:2022-06-06 08:57:10
The Beginning

  IRELAND - Chairman of the IFA Pigs Committee Tom Hogan welcomed the increase in pig prices last Friday, when most processors increased quotes for the current week by 4c/kg.The second 4c/kg increase in two weeks leaves pig farmers receiving prices ranging from a base of 1.66c/kg to well in excess of 1.70c/kg.The increased competition between pig factories, most notably in the northern part of the country and in Northern Ireland, has been driving the upper end of prices and these plants are still the most anxious to secure sufficient pig numbers on a weekly basis.

  由于大多数的加工商在周五提高了本周猪肉报价,让其增长4欧分/千克,爱尔兰农场主协会旗下养猪委员会主席汤姆霍根(Tom Hogan)对此表示十分兴奋。两周内再涨4欧分/千克,让养猪户收到的报酬从1.66欧元/千克的基础报价提高到令人惬意的比1.7欧元/千克还高的价格。猪肉加工场之间的竞争与攘增,最显然的要数爱尔兰的北部和东北部,他们正不断推动价格的上限。然而,这些场家依然为了维持每周的运转而急于补充沛够数量的生猪。


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